
Saturday, 3 August 2013

Guess Who: This star wants to publicise himself through his love life

Guess Who: This star wants to publicise himself through his love life

Guess Who: This star wants to publicise himself through his love life

Friday, August 02, 2013 17:48 IST
Most often than not, it's the shutterbugs chasing stars to get pictures of them getting 'intimate' with their romantic interests 

But this star, who's had a slew of recent flops, is apparently trying to shift the attention off his work to his 'imaginative' love life.

And in his quest, the humble coffee cup has become his wingman. According to sources, every time the actor steps out for a piping hot cuppa - with friends or work mates - he apparently tells those around him to 'leak' the news of his 'romantic' outings.

And while rumours about his alleged dalliances have all been denied by him, it is said he secretly wants the paparazzi to never get off his back.

Says a source, `There was a lot of buzz recently about him dating an actress, who made her debut in a 'serious' film. Last year too, during his birthday celebrations in Goa, he leaked pictures of him getting cosy with another actress. `

A bitchy birdie from Versova even told us that on one of their romantic coffee dates, she was caught off guard by photographs present at the venue, who had been apparently summoned there on the insistence of the star himself. 

An insider says, `He may or may not be single but he loves to flaunt his Casanova side for a few moments under the sun. ` 

With him becoming a frequent visitor at suburban coffee shops, one thing the star is definitely generating is a long beverage bill. 


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